Yes, well, it doesn't apply here. Again: What incentive does Friedcat have to keep the stock price high?
Simple 236,038 shares that would have far greater value than what the company earns this one round. In an environment where shareholder confidence is high he can sell shares at multiples of earnings without concern for effecting the price of the stock. Happens everyday on the market as declared insider trades.
When it was low or as it is could be perceived as low he could also offer to buy back shares if he wanted to do away with the investors, but he hasn't done that.
My thoughts, why friedcat doesn't care about the share price (which isn't bad)Bitfountain's total number of shares is simply too high to be sold at a given market price. Selling even 1% of the shares would completely crash the market. During the 0.25 period there's been an especially low volume. Why would Friedcat keep the price up when he isn't even certain he'll be able to deliver gen 3 (which was uncertain back then).
He also stated that he doesn't like to work for others and prefers to work for himself, so he doesn't intend to sell the shares. Simple as that. This way, by doing a good work, he and his team ("Bitfountain") get 2/3 of everything that's considered profit. If they sold all their shares (which would be very very difficult due to the market depth), they'd have no reason to keep up the good work because they'd earn nothing. But by retaining 2/3 of the shares, they get the majority of the income while having the incentive to continue performing well. I believe it generates more income to continually do decent business, than dumping all your shares - which, again, is rather difficult.
A "normal" company would do as you describe. But this is Bitcoin land. It is unregulated, the rules are gray at best, everything can happen. We're basically at FC's mercy. But he has proven himself to be trustworthy, a good businessman and engineer. And this is more than you get at, say, 90% of Bitcoin companies. It simply
is the most profitable thing for him to just keep up the good work. The stock price doesn't matter to him.
If he wanted to do a final big scam (which I highly doubt, but of course can't guarantee it won't happen), he'd fabricate some awesome news or collect money for pre-orders. No one would suspect anything due to his high trustworthyness. But even that wouldn't be wise, since the market depth would - again - be too low to
really profit him. And he'd lose all his potential future income. Again, simply keep up the good work is the way to go.
And I, for one, am not concerned, he'll pull off something bad, since I believe him to be an honest person. But remember, this is no investment/trading advice and I can't be held accountable.
tl;dr: He simply has no reason to care for the share price. Keeping the share price up or pulling of a scam would be incredibly stupid, both profit-wise and future-business-wise