
Topic: ASICMINER: Entering the Future of ASIC Mining by Inventing It - page 674. (Read 3917468 times)

Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
I think friedcat is waiting for the new data center in Hong Kong to be ready before he can decide the order size of gen-2 chips. Once the new data center is ready, the risk of mass production of gen-2 has bee minimized. Even the selling is not going well, there's enough capacity for self mining. Moreover, the network condition in Hong Kong is better so less orphan and low-transaction block problem. Now just wish that data center can be finished as soon as possible. Normally, it should not take more than one month for a data-center to be ready, right?

Where did you hear that he's waiting for a data center to be complete?

Just my guess. He mentioned the Hong Kong data center in his latest update.

We have been finalizing on our HK datacenter with our professional partner on immersion cooling.

Otherwise, I cannot understand why friedcat delay the gen-2 chip production, which seems essential to company's survival.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
I think friedcat is waiting for the new data center in Hong Kong to be ready before he can decide the order size of gen-2 chips. Once the new data center is ready, the risk of mass production of gen-2 has bee minimized. Even the selling is not going well, there's enough capacity for self mining. Moreover, the network condition in Hong Kong is better so less orphan and low-transaction block problem. Now just wish that data center can be finished as soon as possible. Normally, it should not take more than one month for a data-center to be ready, right?

Where did you hear that he's waiting for a data center to be complete?
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
I think friedcat is waiting for the new data center in Hong Kong to be ready before he can decide the order size of gen-2 chips. Once the new data center is ready, the risk of mass production of gen-2 has bee minimized. Even the selling is not going well, there's enough capacity for self mining. Moreover, the network condition in Hong Kong is better so less orphan and low-transaction block problem. Now just wish that data center can be finished as soon as possible. Normally, it should not take more than one month for a data-center to be ready, right?
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 501
Whats causing the share dump?

Manipulation of course, same as the sudden drop in gold prices that bares no relation to logical trading practices. Look across other markets and you'll see the same thing with little or no attempt to hide it. Its another desperate attempt to prop up confidence in the USD by making other markets look unattractive, ie. can kicking on a massive scale. We've had everything from the stone age to the communications age and we're now in the retard age because delays create employment dontchknow. Not much point worrying about it, its just a dying empire lashing out at everything around it in the hope of postponing the inevitable.

Que "markets can remain irrational..." and "conspiracy nut" misdirection comments Wink


The market is being manipulated because you don't agree with/can't predict its movements?

This is either hubris or tinfoil, I can't tell which.

I think he is being sarcastic by comparing it to conspiracy theories that the gold and silver markets are being manipulated.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

That would mean he doesn't care about AM investors ...

He does. I get regularly my dividends. And he keeps some divs for reinvestment. Its in my best interests too. He should not care about share prices like big companies do. Trying to move shareprice high by firing employers and similar tactics. He delivers the divs and thats it. Shareprice can go up and down, thats normal.

So as long as everybody receive their dividends, it doesn't care if share price will fall to, let's say, 0.001 ?
I don´t think so. Pissed investors will go to another project, do we wish this ?
And again, I trust FC, I only think he needs to be more comunicative, as he is the head of the project.

sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

Because he and his partners own a huge pile of those shares?
Anyway, I don't think he should make random appearances to "save" the share price...
friedcat has always been more about presenting results than making empty promises, which is a good thing.

Why not "save" the share price ? You love your company, you care about your investors.
What's bad on a daily or weekly, optimistic yet realistic update ? Is he shy ?

Well, it can give the appearance of manipulation. Exactly what the people behind the labcoin scam were doing (/are doing).
Sell shares, wait for price to tank, buy shares, make a post with baseless promises -> profit.
I thus find reactionary updates on crashes rather suspicious.

Regular daily/weekly updates, like you're proposing, are a different thing though, I agree, that would be good.
There was a time when friedcat did weekly updates (more or less), but that stopped at some point.

Since around 22nd of june we have monthly updates. Next one will be probably on 23rd of october
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
Whats causing the share dump?

Manipulation of course, same as the sudden drop ... Que "markets can remain irrational..." and "conspiracy nut" misdirection comments Wink


The market is being manipulated because you don't agree with/can't predict its movements?

This is either hubris or tinfoil, I can't tell which.
No manipulation required. We're in a normal cycle between euphoria and hated. I think that we have entered the hated region a while ago and it is not clear where we are going to bottom out. It's a highly illiquid market and even though the current share price may be a good entry point for a lot of people, I expect them to hold back to see how low this can go.

Friedcat promised that news updates should improve in the future. However, keep in mind that silence does not necessarily mean a stand-still. It just means that activities are either confidential or are not relevant for public release.

I would not try to encourage friedcat to "support" the share price for the simple reason that it is distracting. As a CEO one should create a highly competitive company, not a paper asset. Company valuation only becomes important when there is need for financing or liquidity, and we all know that ASICMINER has a sufficiently strong standing to stay in the game without further fund raising.

Again, I'd like to remind everyone to look around and find similar opportunities to get investment exposure to the mining industry. Most of the companies are privately funded. And getting your own company off the ground will become increasingly uneconomic.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

Because he and his partners own a huge pile of those shares?
Anyway, I don't think he should make random appearances to "save" the share price...
friedcat has always been more about presenting results than making empty promises, which is a good thing.

Why not "save" the share price ? You love your company, you care about your investors.
What's bad on a daily or weekly, optimistic yet realistic update ? Is he shy ?

Well, it can give the appearance of manipulation. Exactly what the people behind the labcoin scam were doing (/are doing).
Sell shares, wait for price to tank, buy shares, make a post with baseless promises -> profit.
I thus find reactionary updates on crashes rather suspicious.

Regular daily/weekly updates, like you're proposing, are a different thing though, I agree, that would be good.
There was a time when friedcat did weekly updates (more or less), but that stopped at some point.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

Because he and his partners own a huge pile of those shares?
Anyway, I don't think he should make random appearances to "save" the share price...
friedcat has always been more about presenting results than making empty promises, which is a good thing.

Why not "save" the share price ? You love your company, you care about your investors.
What's bad on a daily or weekly, optimistic yet realistic update ? Is he shy ?
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
♫ the AM bear who cares ♫
Whats causing the share dump?

Manipulation of course, same as the sudden drop in gold prices that bares no relation to logical trading practices. Look across other markets and you'll see the same thing with little or no attempt to hide it. Its another desperate attempt to prop up confidence in the USD by making other markets look unattractive, ie. can kicking on a massive scale. We've had everything from the stone age to the communications age and we're now in the retard age because delays create employment dontchknow. Not much point worrying about it, its just a dying empire lashing out at everything around it in the hope of postponing the inevitable.

Que "markets can remain irrational..." and "conspiracy nut" misdirection comments Wink


The market is being manipulated because you don't agree with/can't predict its movements?

This is either hubris or tinfoil, I can't tell which.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

That would mean he doesn't care about AM investors ...

He never promised any share price. What he promised are dividends and he is still delivering those.

I didn't mention any broken promises here, just a company valuation crashing hard ...
No words at all, good for a CEO ?
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

Because he and his partners own a huge pile of those shares?
Anyway, I don't think he should make random appearances to "save" the share price...
friedcat has always been more about presenting results than making empty promises, which is a good thing.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

He knows what his company is capable of more than we do. In other words, he has privileged information in a market that does not disallow it, and he may use it to his favor as much as he wants. I do not know if he is doing that or not, but he could if he wanted, and most people certainly would. If he or anyone knew, regardless the source and veracity, that the shares should be worth any higher price than they do now, why would they do something to change that instead of profiting themselves of the current situation?

That is certainly an option, FC is fucking his investors ... but he has a good track record on the opposite.
I still trust him 100%, that's why I do not understand his silence while shares are going down sharply.

Probably because he's as uncertain of the mining game as everyone else and would rather report results he is sure of rather than trying to answer the same questions every day of the week.

Hmmm, too much honest comunication ? Not good for a CEO.
Specially if company lost 80% valuation in the last couple of months, or so.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

That would mean he doesn't care about AM investors ...

He never promised any share price. What he promised are dividends and he is still delivering those.
hero member
Activity: 811
Merit: 1000
Web Developer
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

He knows what his company is capable of more than we do. In other words, he has privileged information in a market that does not disallow it, and he may use it to his favor as much as he wants. I do not know if he is doing that or not, but he could if he wanted, and most people certainly would. If he or anyone knew, regardless the source and veracity, that the shares should be worth any higher price than they do now, why would they do something to change that instead of profiting themselves of the current situation?

That is certainly an option, FC is fucking his investors ... but he has a good track record on the opposite.
I still trust him 100%, that's why I do not understand his silence while shares are going down sharply.

Probably because he's as uncertain of the mining game as everyone else and would rather report results he is sure of rather than trying to answer the same questions every day of the week.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

He knows what his company is capable of more than we do. In other words, he has privileged information in a market that does not disallow it, and he may use it to his favor as much as he wants. I do not know if he is doing that or not, but he could if he wanted, and most people certainly would. If he or anyone knew, regardless the source and veracity, that the shares should be worth any higher price than they do now, why would they do something to change that instead of profiting themselves of the current situation?

That is certainly an option, FC is fucking his investors ... but he has a good track record on the opposite.
I still trust him 100%, that's why I do not understand his silence while shares are going down sharply.
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?

That would mean he doesn't care about AM investors ...
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

He knows what his company is capable of more than we do. In other words, he has privileged information in a market that does not disallow it, and he may use it to his favor as much as he wants. I do not know if he is doing that or not, but he could if he wanted, and most people certainly would. If he or anyone knew, regardless the source and veracity, that the shares should be worth any higher price than they do now, why would they do something to change that instead of profiting themselves of the current situation?
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.

he doesn't care about share price, why would he?
Activity: 1099
Merit: 1000
I don´t understand why Friedcat is not giving daily updates to help stop the shares going to the floor.
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