Currently having difficulty maintaining running blades. In fact, in friedcat's most recent post he even mentioned that one of the reasons they aren't posting an actual hashing meter is because it would require them to perform more maintenance (leading one to assume they are laxed on the maintenance and letting people see that would be a problem). This is further exacerbated by mysterious network issues that cause them to be unable to process all available transactions (losing fee's) and leading to orphaned blocks (highest orphaned block count of any mining pool). These same 'network issues' are frequently friedcat's excuse as to why hashing seems to be going offline. How hard is it to hire quality sys admins in China anyway?
I don't think the bolded part is a fair conclusion. I think his meaning is more that it would add an additional responsibility and commitment of resources because if it went down then people on this board would be screaming and going nuts. So overall its just not worth it and is a waste of resources. Plus it would allow DDoS's and other malicious attackers a method of determining EXACTLY how effective their attacks were. In case you haven't notice, friedcat is a very unique cat indeed in the bitcoin mining community (honest, thoughtful, intelligent, takes care of his customers / shareholders, not willing to engage in malicious behavior, etc.).
Also I think it is a bigger issue than just hiring a sys admins. Since the parent company owns the vast majority of the shares, obviously it is also in friedcat's best interest to fix the issue. It makes no sense for any party involved to just shrug at the number of orphaned blocks. I am sure if it was a simple fix that he would do it. I think its a bigger issue related to China's internet firewalls, weird network issues and other Chinese internet idiosyncrasies.
I've commented on this before, but I'll put it out there again. I have experience solving cross-border Chinese internet challenges for financial companies. The solutions aren't free - probably around $10K+ / month, but they work. If any board members are aware of whether or not Friedcat is looking for assistance in tackling this problem, I'll be happy to share my experiences with his network admin.
In short, if this is a major profit issue, it can be solved in < 30 days if there's a will.