Dividend: BTC0.02297025
Previous 5wk Avg: BTC0.0269764
Previous All Time Avg: BTC0.01655679625
Hashrate estimate: 29.46TH/s
Network percentage: 15.3%
Share Price: BTC4.77
7day low: BTC3.266
7day High: BTC5.17
Friedcat Updates:
No posts from Friedcat save for 3 confirmations on the number of shares held by specific individuals.
Noteworthy Information:
- Rockxie, the distributor of ASICMINER products in China "leaked" some new information - Presentation - Translation
- Jutarul, a large holder of ASICMINER shares, held a public fixed price auction of 1,000 shares at BTC4.5 - Auction Post
- Rival posted some thoughts on the position and future of ASICMINER - Post
For more information on ASICMINER please visit https://asicminer.info/
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