I've came back from the bed to finish this post (So I dont throw away valuable promotime
. You bought all... Well that was fast
Please, those who want shares to btct.co ask burnside to prepare what he needs and send me correct info to forward to friedcat (your div address at his end I suppose, and so forth). And those who do not use escrow send me your dividend address, If not already done so.
Birdy [email protected] (address for burnside/btct.co)
Xendrios [email protected] 1Pn4Si2krovXv7sE7WWZjQNSymYmgEsEFw
ajolly [email protected] (address for burnside/btct.co)
explorer [email protected] 1RC86YB1ukpCi1qKVdEWexU5p7uVN5bMY
superduh [email protected] 17Ff6DqdSXdeeMxXYKatbRBzrmWznVjkY4
SamuelSG [email protected] (address for burnside/btct.co)
carnitastaco [email protected] 1PNtfJ1HVn7yznXLEUv7vPjD9sKLU2yRgh-----------------
Blatant self-promotion: Those who are willing to work with small game project (frontend: HTML5 / Backend: goLang/linux (language might change, depending on maturity of certain libraries)) with me, PM me. I need previous sample of skills in some OS-project (PHP/C/C++/C#/Python/goLang), and will be a paying job, and you'd be the lead coder... I would be managing it (I have background in coding) and do content. Project it self is nothing new, and it is quite simple, some simple JS-animations (some GIF, some calculated), game logic and JSON-data exchange. Backend has monitoring, db for results and so on. Second server communicates via JSON to bitcoin client and db. We will be targeting browsers of Android, IOS, Win/Linux/Apple sector. Bootstrap will be used as HTML5 template. This project will need unit tests. All user input is considered hostile, and so forth. This just a short description of the project. If I find suitable coder, I'll make the road map, and more detailed plan with specific components + some time tables. We can then talk more what do you think about the project. Nothing fancy, dull, dull job, where quality is more important than features. But it pays.
This is a closed source project and all rights will be reserved, until further notice. We do it in parts, and you'll get payment from each completion. This will require your full attention for few months (set up time, few weeks). Bonus will be given for fast completion.
PM me (AFTER THE AUCTION IS FINISHED, please), dont clutter this thread:
- your price/month (BTC / this project. Dev time usually runs away, but this is quite simple project. But still, this is up for talks, and it depends on your language preference too. We can even use nginx and PHP/CodeIgniter if you know the curves, and it results fast dev time, with decent security/efficiency. Its first version, so I'm not gonna dump endlessly money on this)
- CV (links to OS projects + username)
If this goes well, there might be more, if right person is found. I'll post a forum message about this tomorrow.