I'd like to respond to your previous thread, but it's closed.
TryNinja wrote this:
The bot will even remove Quoted text from post count length calculations when checking if it meets minimum requirements.
How about nested quotes, and code-tags? Or other BB-tags, are they counted as characters? If I include those, the next word counts 56 characters:
Building on what TryNinja posted already, combined with your scraper, I would suggest the following:
1. Manually approve all applicants. Make use of the existing SMAS blacklists, and check everybody's post history
before they join. If you don't allow shitposters to join in the first place, you only have to check their posts once, and you don't have to kick them out a week later. From what I've seen, allowing 10-20% of applicants gets you a pretty decent post quality.
2. A scraper won't reduce the manager's work by 90%, counting posts is a fraction of the work required to check posts. What you could do, is only manually check 20% of the posts. That saves a lot of work. Also keep in mind that reading the post itself isn't enough, in order to check whether or not a post is constructive, it's necessary to read other posts from other users in the same thread too. And that's what makes it so important to be very selective before accepting people, filtering them out instantly saves a lot of work later on.
3. A 4-word post can be totally ontopic and very helpful. If you require a 4-word post to be extended into 100 characters, the quality of the post is lost. A typical shitposter has a post history filled with all posts exactly 4 lines long, no line breaks, no exceptions. That's not quality, but it looks like they put in an effort.
4. Pay a reward for reporting spam in your campaign! The spammer gets nothing, the
snitch informant gets 50%. (continued reading shows cpfreeplz already suggested this)
Yes I understand that some manual parts will remain but it would mean that campaign managers won't be able to justify charging $5-10k for managing a campaign. Especially since we're going to open this service up for free.
I guess the person charging $10k (per month?) is already loaded in work and doesn't want more. I'll charge less