What do you think should be done about assault weapons? Do you support them or not?
I am a die hard supporter of the Second Amendment. I believe it is every persons God given right to acquire the means to defend themselves, as well as their duty to contribute to the overall safety of our society as a whole.
You don't have to look too far back to see that the right to bear arms was, is, and always will be the bedrock by which free countries are built upon. It is so disgusting to hear people harp and complain about how people don't need guns, and often assert "that's what they have the police for". Or, "the only people who should have Assault weapons should be the military and police".
I would point out that during the revolutionary war, the only ones that had the equivalent "Assault Weapons" at the time were the British Red Coats... And we all know how much protection they afforded the colonists. As such, be sure to thank a Frenchmen if you live in the USA. Our countries fate literally depended on them and their willingness to sell us "Assault Weapons" and Ships.
And without bantering about the dangers of having a state where only the Police and military are armed, I would point out that the police are primarily a reactionary force. One which exists to put down those who cannot conform to society when they intrude on the rights of others - Which is a good thing and beats the hell out of an Anarchistic society in which you can't walk out of your front door without the threat of being killed, robbed, or raped. It is this reactionary limitation of police which makes it necessary that everyone should be armed.
An armed society is a safe society, one which not only has the means to stop incidents like Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, or Aurora but also one in which its very existence serves as a deterrent to those who would commit such acts. Think about it... would Adam Lanza have targeted Sandy Hook if he knew that he would be outgunned 3 to 1 in the minutes before his rampage? I would bet blood he wouldn't.
...So yes, I am definitely for the right to bear arms more so, I am for the right to own the biggest guns legally possible, not because I need them but because I can and as such I will continue to to fight harder, spend more, and be louder than those who would give their rights away at the drop of a hat. And I hope others continue to do the same.
Aside from my opinion, and my support for the Second Amendment, I am also an Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer that supports the Bitcoin Community as well.
If you ever find yourself looking for arms, you can purchase from me using Bitcoin. All sales must conform to ATF regulations for transfer and shall follow the same guidelines as Fiat Purchases. No Exceptions.
Check out our auctions on GunBroker.com, or contact me directly if interested.
Thanks for reading.