Effective violent deadly tool -----> less violence .....
As I stated many times I would never support those willing to take from you the right to buy your guns (which I hate, but that doesn't give me the right to BAN them), but nevertheless I do not understand how you can argue in favor of "gun rights" with such stupid (and false) arguments.
There is an undeniable hard cold fact, which is that in countries with more guns per inhabitant, there are more violent death per inhabitant. We've already gone through the cold numbers a few pages ago, and now you can nitpick and make the example of Switzerland (which was already covered too, as nobody carries a gun on the streets and the approach is totally different) or you can make the nitpicked example of this and that state in the US where violent deaths went down after some "gun friendly" law, but that is just a phallacy as you would be missing the big and undeniable world wide picture.
Just a very recent example:
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/teenagers-allegedly-murder-college-baseball-player-boredom-article-1.1431445Three US teens just murdered a guy making jogging because they were "bored". We hear news like that every few weeks coming from the USA (leaving alone school shooting et al), in the rest of civilized world that shit simply doesn't happen as often. Then, I will make you one question:
- would the guy making jogging have been any safer carrying a gun? He was shot in the back and he didn't even see the shooters.
Plus, is pretty clear to me that the only way you would kill someone "because of boredom" is if you have a gun. Killing someone with a gun from your car and run away might resemble a video game, you may not even see the blood - killing someone with a knife or with your bare hands is a completely different business, first of all is much more difficult, secondly is totally a different mental approach than just shooting someone from the distance and seeing his body fall. A gun is made to kill - if everybody thinks guns are cool and having them is the only way to be free and BLAH BLAH BLAH you will have people who will just want to use them - and they only have ONE use, unlike knives, cars, and so on...
Again, the obvious problem is not "the guns", which are just an object, but the culture in the US - these guys were PLAYING with the fucking gun like is a toy - coming back to the old example, you won't EVER see nothing like that in Switzerland. But, first step to change the culture, is to stop glorifying lethal weapons which only use is to kill a person. They might be a necessary evil, but everybody would be better if they wouldn't exist at all. Acknowledging that would be a good step towards a better world/society. What I see in a lot of NRA folks and so on, is a true LOVE for guns - and that is sick, extremely sick.
EDIT: how retarded has someone to be to proudly upload pics of his firearms to Facebook, or to upload a video like this to the net?
https://vine.co/v/b2b20xgBQMeThis is one of the guys that killed the jogging man. That a 15 years old kid easily accesses a firearm and plasy with it like that, uploading videos and pictures on internet of it, is just a synonym of a rotten society. Like Somalia, Zimbabwe, the USA and so on.