300 million guns is the result of the free flowing supply, as advocated by the NRA, and gun advocates such as yourself. The U.S., by virtue of its guns per capita, and its ineffective laws enforced ineffectively, has created that gun inventory.
I'm not to blame for the existence of 300 million guns in the U.S. Gun advocates, and gun buyers are to blame for it.
Also, are you aware that there is direct correlation between guns per capita and gun deaths, worldwide, when viewed on a 2d chart, depicting the position of each country on the intersection of guns per capita and gun deaths?
Sure, and I am fine with that.
That's the problem.
I am sorry you are so afraid.
Who says I'm afraid? Can you point to any post I made indicating I'm afraid. Indeed, if I was afraid, wouldn't I want a gun? What I am is disgusted by people getting shot.
You should probably look for a good therapist.
See above post to clarify the rebuttal of the premise of your conclusion.
For what it is worth, I am also not interested in government mandating that folks be covered in bubblewrap, even if it saves lives.
Same here. So why did you bring it up?
The supply is not "free flowing".
How did you arrive at such an erroneous conclusion given the statistics?
There are a great amount of laws governing how, where, who can sell to whom, and more laws most every year.
You mean ineffective laws ineffectively enforced?
If 300 million guns is the wrong number for you...
What is the right number for you?
Much much less, since there is a linear relationship in the number of guns per capita vs. gun deaths. Pretty simple, isn't it?
What percentage of those guns should be held by your governments?
You want less guns in the hands of the police? Then start advocating less guns per capita.
I also appreciate what freedoms remain, on a wide variety of other issues.
Freedoms tend to lead to prosperity, this one included.
It seems a bizarre thing to get worked up over. Assault weapons? Really? The sky is just not falling in this neck of the woods, and certainly not a problem worthy of further extracting taxes of my fellows in order to hire a bunch of government gunslingers to run around trying to disarm citizens.
Guns don't lead to prosperity.