How ATLANTICO works?
- PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURER registers their product in the system with identification number and its weight, release date, and ingredients are also recorded.
- The medicine shipped to the WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY will records its details in the platform. The details are lot number, date of receipt, and shipment to pharmacies.
- When a product appears in PHARMACIES, it is assessed by the platform by criteria: date of receipt, duration of sale, lot number, available stock and its price. Atlantico stores information publicly, thus allow the members to see the markup for any product, from the manufacturer to pharmacies.
This allow reducing markups on products. Comsumers will be able to choose quality product at cheap price. Manufacturers will also be able to track and regulate prices for their products, and this will prevent over pricing in the market.
-INSURANCE COMPANY will be able to monitor prices and quality of both medicine and medical centers for which payments are made. This will minimize expenses of treatment and will allow to get high quality services. The platform strictly monitors medical payments and does not allow dishonest members to make false insurance claims in order to profit from them.
- In this platform, MEDICAL CENTERS will be able to gain bonus token for providing high quality services. So medical center will recruit skilled personnel to provide high quality services, thus allow to attract more customers.
- Atlantico will gather and analyse doctor's data to evaluate quality of service that they can provide. DOCTORS will be able to work in the most advanced medical centers. They can also receive bonus token for providing high quality services.
- In Atlantico Network, PATIENTS will be able to analyse and make decision on which medical centers and doctors to go, where to buy quality and cheaper price of medicine, and purchase insurance. Patients are able to read and give feedbacks about their experience in the system, and find closest pharmacies, medical centers, doctors, insurance company, they can view their work hours, book appointments, and receive discounts. By interacting with the platform, patients can also receive bonus token.
Bonus tokens are going to be bought back annually.
Atlantico Networks helps both the people who are wanting to have a better medical services, medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies and health care insurance to have a better transaction and better way of providing and having good and quality type of medical services.
We see how the participants (patients, doctors, medical centers, pharmaceutical manufacturer, pharmaceutical wholesaler, pharmacies, and insurance company) interact in each other. I see good future for Atlantico's briliant idea. The company is very generous for giving bonus token to their patients, doctors, and medical centers. Applause 👏 for that!