Now that (thanks to SatoshiDice) we've hit the 250k block size, there is a great deal of interest about the transaction policies different pools have.
A pool op has messaged me and suggested that pool tx policies would be useful to have as a post, preferrably stickied. I agree. However this data won't fit in the original "Mining pools list" without making it very messy, so I need to create a new "Mining pools transaction policy list".
The original "Mining pools list" informs miners of pool differences that directly affect their earnings. Pools are split into reward methods, and then other category columns added.
For a "Mining pools transaction policy list", I would recommend listing pools in alphabetical order (names linked to forum posts), with category columns.
So, what categories are important? How do pools differ in their tx preference policies?
Here's an example - please let me know if I have any of the explanations wrong.
Note: Since the block size induced hard fork yesterday, I've changed the values below until we have a fix for the problem (or all clients are 0.8.0 or later)
| Maximum | Minimum | Priority | Minimum | Transaction |
Pool | block size | block size | block size | fee (BTC) | filtering |
BTCGuild | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Slush | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
- Maximum block size: the largest size block a pool will create.
- Minimum block size: the largest size block a pool will create that can include any tranaction based on priority and regardless of fee.
- Priority block size: block space given over to high priority and low or no fee transactions.
- Minimum fee: the minimum fee transaction a pool will include in a block.
- Transaction discrimination: a list of source transactions which a pool will refuse to include in a block.