If I win an auction, do I have a sales contract with the seller, like .. at ebay, wich means that the seller had to sell the good to me, even if he likes the end price or not?
There a serveral sellers that starts an auction and set the auction end by themself in their description ( like it ends 24 hours after the last bid).
They get bids.. the auction ends .... you never here from them again...
Are there any rules for this? Are there any trusted forum members caring about this?
yes unless the seller set a hidden reserve price. you know about ebay so I guess I won't need to explain what a reserve price is.
but there's also nothing stopping a newly made account from disappearing if they don't like the end bid. unlike ebay, you don't need to verify your paypal and credit card info to make a new account here. so avoid threads made by newbies if you don't want that to happen.
ignore my post above I've reported it. forgot to add the last bit and I can't edit it.