When did your coin copy Digibytes Multi-Algo? Is AUR the 2nd coin to fork to it?
First multi-algo was Huntercoin, with 90% of rewards mined using the Huntercoin game built in the wallet, 5% Scrypt, 5% SHA256d
Second was Myriad, with SHA256d, Scrypt, Groestl, Skein, Qubit
Third was Saffroncoin, with SHA256d, Scrypt, Blake256, Groestl, X11
Fourth maybe Parallelcoin...? Scrypt + SHA256
Fifth I think was Joincoin? WIth many algorithms
Sixth was DigiByte, the same algorithms copied from Myriad, but they used their own difficulty adjustment method.
Auroracoin will copy DigiByte, the same algorithms as MYR, plus DGB's difficulty adjustment.