lastbit in terms of what your doing you might want to try this as modding not uploaded all details yet but this s on a batch 2 unit and working out the layout for batch 3 will have details on my website when I get around to it.
Avalon before pictures
Avalon after air flow mods.
Temps before and after more or less the same but not using as much fan power and after mining 24 hours sold this is running nice and cool with oc to 84GH also fans never go above 1800 now so lot better results still doing other mods in time to it to get better air flow. This is with no extra fans added maybe get even better results with some delta fans in but their too noise
Have also taken unit upto 90GH however too many hw% errors however temps solid 50c so not doing too bad. Also added new 860w corsair digital psu working perfect never takes over 730w
Moved from bitparking to 50btc and now I'm constantly getting a lot of Rejected shares at Diff8
Does anybody have fixed issue like this?
Edit: FW both 20130703 and 20130723
Change your diff to 64 on 50btc under settings for miner is probs why you getting too many rejected shares.