Initialize diagnostics (40)
Starting Diagnostics (30s). Awesome Miner Remote Agent version: 6.9.1
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit
nVidia driver version: 431.60
nVidia OpenCL Platform ID: 0
Microsoft VC++ 2013 runtime installed: Yes
Microsoft VC++ 2015 runtime installed: Yes
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 1
Engine Type: BMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Set clocking start profile: 25, 1060 core (when stopping, the following will be used: 12, type: Single, Use: True)
Properties: (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: BMiner, IsProfitMiner: False)
C:\Users\miner\AppData\Roaming\AwesomeMinerService\bminer-v15.8.3-fc8dae9-amd64_1\bminer-v15.8.3-fc8dae9\bminer.exe -watchdog=false -uri beamhash2://
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 2568
> [INFO] [2019-08-21T11:25:10+10:00] Bminer: When Crypto-mining Made Fast (v15.8.3-fc8dae9)
> [INFO] [2019-08-21T11:25:10+10:00] Detecting platform
> [FATA] [2019-08-21T11:25:17+10:00] CudaError: Unknown error: c:\windows\system32\nvapi64.dll
Unexpected exit of mining software. Possible cause: Incorrect configuration or crashing software
Diagnostics completed
i have a fresh install of 431.60 drivers, done as a clean install.
other mining software is working fine, just no OC.
EDIT: after downgrading to 425.31, bminer still crashes for me with another error, so i'm thinking this one is a rig issue. however, the error while on 431.60 didn't go away when going up to 436.02(latest), so it might help with the OC issue...