please Coinscalculator to 3h average, full interesant and easy by programer
In the past this wasn't provided by the API, but I had a look again and it's at least possible to get the 3h Difficulty value. There are however no 3h values for exchange rate and so on.
I did not want to comment on it, but it is one of the great hidden problems of Awesome miner.
It depends on where the data is, WTM, Coinscalculator, CC, or even AW CU, it turns out that sometimes AM gives you the sales price and other times of purchase, and they are very different.
For simple example, PGN is really paying 1 satochi per coin, but in Awesome miner it shows 2, because it is the price at which they sell it, but the real price is for which they are already willing to pay.
The problem that Awesome in that aspect is not standardized, and directly takes all the data from those 3 sources, and each gives the prices or sale or purchase, which is a problem.
Coins with large volume, the difference is minimal, when they are coins of low volume or volume can make a purchase offer price of 300 and sale in 550, and of course I am interested in the price of purchase offer, the price for which he is already paying, which is the lowest price, but surely they will pay.
I know this is a great job, but ideally, AW miner should take the hash data, difficulty etc. from the sources mentioned, but then the prices directly from the Exchanges, as if AW CU does. And the ideal would be that if a currency is in several Exchanges, the power to choose for each currency, of which exchange I want the purchase offer price, with which everything will coincide perfectly.
While that is not a standard within Awesome miner, you will see and there are big problems of price difference. At least AW CU always gives the purchase offer price, which is REAL, and not the SALE one, which tend to be very inflated, and this happens a lot very much in Awesome miner, which is fixed in the sale price that is It is always higher, but you are not really paying for that price, the real price is the purchase offer. This has to be made a standard. The software is advancing so much that it seems incredible that it does not have an authentic control over the price of the coins.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain.