@Patrike I have some questions and suggestions.
In the capture I leave a section of Online Services, I am interested to know if the "current performance" is taken into account for the Switch or is only informative and then I have to change it by hand copying it in each something and pool ?.
I read and it is not completely clear to me, if you had to copy them to the Auto change pools, could there be a button to copy them all directly?
I am in a telegram group that I created months ago and I have referred some people, every day we are talking about the program and then I am in charge of asking for suggestions (how lucky I am).
We all agree that we go blind, it's like having a lot of power but little control. By control I mean to know what we are doing. I mino some loose coins adding their pool, there I can know how much I have generated, and also at the same time mino auto change pools like Zpool and Zergpool, and here is the problem.
For a miner I do not know how many times he has done autoswitch a day, I do not know what is the average time of mining of each thing and pool that I have activated. I lack information to determine what to leave selected, or something that pool is bothering me. I would need some kind of information of that type. The csv that is generated gives very little, almost no information that helps me to make decisions.
The "Actual Performance" is not at all related to the mining you are doing, so this number isn't unique for your mining operations. These are values calculated by simply comparing the estimates and actual payout statistics provided by the pools. These values are compared every hour for a number of days, and result in a number that indicates what the pool actually provided as payouts compared to what estimations they provided.
When enabled, the profit switcher will automatically adjust the profit based on these numbers. In fact, both the Revenue and Profit numbers on the Online Servies tab are already showing numbers based on this percentage. If the revenue (and profit as well, to make the example easy) of a pool is $10 and the performance is 80% - you will see the Revenue and Profit as $8 on the Online Services tab. The profit switcher will also consider the profitability of being $8, not $10 as if this feature wasn't used.
Providing better statistics on what you have been mining is on the todo-list and is often requested. You can expect improvements in this area in the future versions.