Well I just purchased the standard edition for my 4 miners mining Zcash, and..... NO ZCASH profile like your website showed. It just shows a yellow circle with EQH in it and "Unspec. Equihash. NO Zcash? Really? Why do you show it on your website? It will not give me the Per Day or Per Month calculations as "unspecified".....
Are you using Managed Miners, where you define the Pool in Awesome Miner? If the pool is a Zcash pool, you should use the Pool Properties in Awesome Miner to set the Coin to Zcash. If Awesome Miner knows it's for example Zcash, it will show the profit information based on this.
If you mine Equihash on either Nicehash or Zpool, it will be "Unspecified Equihash". There is no way to know if it's Zcash in these scenarios. However, Awesome Miner do know the profitability of the Equihash algorithm at both Nicehash and Zpool. Then it makes sense to show the profit information even if the exact coin is known.
Also let me know which mining software you are using. For EWBF it wasn't until the very latest version 0.3.4 that it supported to report pool and worker information correctly.