Awesome Profit Switching - Next generation pool switchingAchieve higher profits than any of the auto-switching multi-pools alone, by automatically switching between multiple algorithms and multiple multi-pools. Works great for both GPU mining and standalone ASIC's, and up to 200 miners can be managed from a single interface.Awesome Miner introduces the next generation of profit switching multi-algorithm pool mining; Awesome Profit Switching. By using both real-time coin profitability statistics to switch between single-coin pools and also using real-time statistics from popular auto-switching multi-pools, Awesome Miner can automatically switch between mining a specific coin or mine on the currently most profitable auto-switching multi-pool.
Awesome Profit Switching works for any combination of GPU mining computers (both Windows and Linux) and standalone ASIC's, as long as a Cgminer/Sgminer compatible API is available.
Supported multi-pools and algorithms for automatic profit switching- NiceHash (Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, SHA-3 (Keccak), X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Neoscrypt, Lyra2RE)
- WestHash (Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, SHA-3 (Keccak), X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Neoscrypt, Lyra2RE)
- LTCRabbit (Scrypt, X11)
- Yaamp (Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, X11, X13, X15, Neoscrypt, Lyra2RE)
- Hamsterpool (Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, X11)
TradeMyBit (Scrypt, Scrypt Adaptive N, X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Neoscrypt) (TradeMyBit has closed down)
PrerequisitesBefore continuing, please make sure the latest version of Awesome Miner is installed. The software can be downloaded from the
Awesome Miner Download page.
Enable rule for Awesome Profit SwitchingThe Awesome Profit Switching rule in Awesome Miner is disabled by default. To enable the rule, open the Options dialog. Go to the Rules configuration as illustrated below. Check the box to enable the rule Awesome Profit Switching. The Edit operation can be used to customize the rule and select for which miners the rule should apply.
SetupThe Awesome Profit Switching rule requires all pools to switch between to be added to the miner. Of all the added pools, the most profitable will automatically be prioritized.
There are two alternative ways of using the rule:
- Alternative #1 is to download the complete configuration for all the supported pools and a prepared Managed Miner.
- Alternative #2 is to manually ensure that an already running miner has all the pool added.
Alternative #1: Prepared configurationDownload and run one this file to import the configuration to Awesome Miner:
The configuration files are associated with Awesome Miner. Run the downloaded configuration file either from the web browser or from the download folder to import in Awesome Miner.
When launching the downloaded configuration file, the import dialog will be opened. Click OK to import the pools and all configuration. If you for example don't want to do Scrypt mining, simply uncheck the pools that uses Scrypt. If you don't want to use the Managed Miner feature, uncheck the
Awesome Profit Miner.
For each of the imported pools, a dialog will be displayed where the pool configuration must be completed. The field Worker name must be filled in.
- NiceHash & WestHash & Yaamp: Your Bitcoin address should be used as Worker name
- LTCRabbit & Hamsterpool: Your Worker name follows the pattern Weblogin.Worker - for example AwesomeTest.1
Click OK to continue.
The same dialog will be displayed for each pool, and Worker name must be filled in for all of them.
Import completedWhen the import has completed, the miner will appear in the main window of Awesome Miner, unless unselected during the import.
Configure Device ProfilesThe next step is to review the imported device profile configuration, that specifies the GPU mining settings. In the Options dialog, go to the Device Profile configuration as illustrated below.
There are two device profiles in the imported configuration.
- S-algorithm profile defines the GPU mining settings for the Scrypt and SHA-based algorithms.
- X-algorithm profile defines the GPU mining settings for the X11, X13, X15 and Nist5 algorithms.
Edit each of these profiles to work well with the GPU's being used. The default configuration is based on AMD Radeon 280X. Using the Load from GPU template button, predefined values can be loaded for common GPU types. For more information about using Device Profiles in Awesome Miner, read the
Device Profile article.
Alternative #2: Manual configurationThe Awesome Profit Switching feature supports the multi-pools and algorithms listed below. Add these to your existing miner (either an External Miner or a Managed Miner) that you monitor using Awesome Miner. Only add those pools you want to use.
Start miningIn the example below, two Managed Miners running on different computers uses Awesome Profit Switching where the NiceHash X11 pool is the currently most profitable and will be the highest prioritized pool.
Adding single-coin poolsAny additional pools can be added to the running miners. If the pool has a specific coin specified, the coin statistics will be used to calculate the profitability of the coin, and the Awesome Profit Switching rule will automatically change to the pool if it's more profitable than any of the added multi-pools.
Awesome Miner supports WhatToMine, CoinChoose, CoinWarz and WhatMine as coin statistics providers.
Source codeAwesome Profit Switching is implemented using the Awesome Miner C# Script API, making it very easy for anyone to make their own modifications to the code:
AboutFor general information about Awesome Miner, see this thread:
Awesome Miner - Powerful Windows GUI to manage and monitor Cgminer & Sgminer