Which makes me think what a great step we made.
I don't think that is safe to say. Remember we went as high as $1000 and back down to under $200.
This rise has been irrationally fast. It just takes a little bit of panic and people will start dumping and we could go back down to $400 or below.
Personally, I feel we will have a correction down to $500.
Going back to 500 is likely to happen. It can't be sunny always. My guess however is we will first see the price go to 800 dollars, then it will slowly retract to maybe 700 dollars and find some stabilty at 650ish.
What's happen from there is unknown and unpredictable.
It can hold for awhile.
But to see those prices and waiting for it could take several months to die down which is when you`ll never expect.
Also if it goes down, it`ll hit even harder since this gives demmoralizing effects to people who saw the $1k marker back in 2012-13.