What evidence to do you have that "bigots" are cloaking themselves in Christianity?
Those who refuse to do some business with some of the public for reasons unrelated to the busines, have been hiding behind their bibles. Surely you have noticed this. They are screaming that the right to discriminate illegally against a minority is part of their "religious freedom."
You do realize the strong majority of practicing Christians and Muslims believe homosexuality is a sin and want nothing to do with it?
But the strong majority of practicing Christians find themselves able to tolerate it without any difficulty. And many of these Christinas (I don't know about Muslims) are coming to recognize that if something is inborn and cannot be altered, it's involuntary and can't be repented, so it's not a sin any more than blond hair is a sin.
It doesn't mean they're bigots - it means they want nothing to do with contributing to a sin or endorcing what they believe is a sin.... It's not that difficult to understand... In their mind asking them to bake a wedding cake would be about the same as asking them to sin, and if progressives were tolerant at all they would respect that... So as far as I'm concerned you have ZERO resepct for other individuals values...
But your claim of a "sin" rests on willful ignorance of the condition, and your conviction that your god will somehow damn you for tolerance is pretty arrogant. Most Christians realize this.
But isn't it an amazing coincidence that Christians can disagree with one another so violently, and STILL when they pray, their god NEVER corrects their opinion? How they continue to believe they're all praying at the same god is beyond me. Their god must have a nasty sense of humor, to tell the majority to tolerate and the minority NOT to tolerate. This god is a troublemaker.