Fuck off.
Are you 12 years old?
I made a snap judgement call in an IRC conversation with some random person, and I was wrong.
Are we done?
If not, please clearly state what it is you want from me. What are you trying to accomplish here?
12 - yeah that would be good if I was again
Stop replying, you just keep digging the hole deeper.
I'll reply if I feel like it.
There is no hole. There is merely a bad assumption on my part, an apology from me, and all kinds of inappropriate responses, accusations, and general douchebaggery from you.
I don't use cgminer. My knowledge of it is limited to a few tests and feedback from users. It is not the default miner nor the preferred miner for use with BAMT. The limited support BAMT has for cgminer is provided basically as a favor to a few key BAMT supporters.
In the past, I've had to waste my time helping users who found cgminer would lock up or crash any time the API was accessed.
In these situations, the tell-tale sign is that cgminer works fine if you don't run gpumon (a monitoring utility that talks to cgminer via the API).
I reduced the number and frequency of calls gpumon made to the API, and users reported improved stability, but still some issues until we found version 2.3f which seemed to have the magic mix required for stable operation. A bit later, gigavps found that 2.3f would sometimes just exit with no clear indication of why. He was desperate for a fix, and I believe contacted you guys, posted on the cgminer forum, etc. When no solution was forthcoming, he asked me if I could hack mother to detect that it had exited and start it back up. So I did.
This bit of code in mother doesn't work properly with version 2.6.0. Frankly, it was never meant to, as 2.6.0 did not exist when it was written. It is meant to start version 2.3f if it exits (which it does).
Now... some guy comes into the IRC channel and says "I think BAMT is restarting cgminer". I've never heard of this before. BAMT does have code that restarts Phoenix in certain situations, but nothing that restarts cgminer - except the code that detects when cgminer just isn't running.
He then tells me it only happens when he runs gpumon. An exact duplicate of the problems we had in older versions. To be clear, this was bad information, as ckolivas has found this problem will happen whether or not gpumon is running. But that isn't the information I was given. Because his symptoms exactly matched things we've seen before, I told him it was probably the same issue we've had before. Make sense?
I have admitted I made a bad call. I have apologized. I hope you can understand why and how this happened. I have been nothing but polite with you. Show me the same courtesy and explain yourself. Why are you so upset about this?