johhnyUA Have you asked him if he is willing to accept a signature ban?
No, but he will agree with such step.
Here his words:
У мeня ecть oчeнь oчeнь мaлeнький шaнc ocтaтьcя, блaгoдapя пocтy
theymosнo мeня кaк минимyм лишaт пoдпиcиMoй aккayнт нe был кoммepчecким, кaзинo нe peклaмиpoвaл из пpинципa, a в дpyгиe пpoeкты бpaли peдкo.
For one ChiBitCTy has a lot of Trusted Feedback associated with transactions in the forum compared to 1 Untrusted Feedback markiz73 has.
As i said in my op post, even 3-4 positive feedbacks in russian local board it's very much. Don't compare to english section, where people accustomed to live feedbacks for succesfull trade or any another reasons. Russian mentality is another.
His contributions are only limited to topics related to mining in the Russian board and some announecments on new mining equipment
That's not enough? Russian mining thread is refers to russian local board which in turn refers to the whole forum.
"A little step for forum, but big for russian mining community" Also, all in this World is very relatively. If someone contributes many to you, that's doesn't mean that he contributes something to me, for example.
Hence, I, as a member of russian local board asks to unban Markiz. And, i would never asked to unban ChiBitCTy. Not because i don't like him or something. Just because i didn't know about his existence until suchmoon's post (
while ChiBitCTy on the other hand have organized charity events and even though he got banned from posting he still is active in the forum reading topics and chatting members through chat groups consisting of forum members while markiz73 on the other hand shows that he hasn't been active in the forum since the day he was banned
I'm not a miner, maybe Markiz also active in others mining chats or groups. ChiBitCTy and yogg have a general chat, so yogg used it as an argument. You can't say "he is not active" just because you don't know for sure active he or not
By the way for people who are wondering his unban conditions also comes with a signature ban. Just go to his profile and you will see his sig section saying "Banned from displaying signatures until March 09, 2020, 08:24:44 PM" so if you just want to unban him for him to join signature campaigns you need to consider this one.
Yep, i wrote about sig ban in my starter post.