Now you are getting the idea. This is what happens when you give power to gov't. Any power. As soon as the gov't has power, groups will form to convince government to use that power to enhance their group.
From the nail salon or hair dresser to the construction trades to the doctors and lawyers, they all have their regulations and requirements to limit and discourage competition. And all done in the name of public safety, courtesy of the government paid for by that same public.
If it were really a matter of public safety the issue could be solved by information instead of force - the "authorized" business could display their gov't license, gov't could confirm that any business is or is not authorized. But information instead of force means anyone would be free to start a business and anyone would be free to choose to use an unauthorized business at their own risk.
Competing groups could form and then provide those same services of authorization (accreditation and validation). If the competing group(s) proved more trustworthy than the government accreditation then gradually the gov't business would drop off because nobody would care to obtain the gov't certification.
But no, instead the group with guns gets more and more powerful and claims the right to choose what business people can start by setting arbitrary restrictions and waving their guns if you forge your own path.
I hope you've not fooled yourself into thinking that anything you said is not something I've not considered over the last 25 years or so. Everything is so binary with you people. It gets tiresome.