And now for a quick
Bloody bloody bloody elitist crap! I had to put up with this shit in high-school when I was learning 6502 machine language. "Do you know how to..." "Don't bother me, figure it out yourself." That was over 30 years ago. My last programming job was an Autocad Lisp application back in 1997, Acad-12, first Windows 3.1 version. I'm tired, I hurt, and I do NOT feel the need to learn all the background and related whatever just to install a javascript plugin off of Github just to post post to a forum. Sorry, suck it. *sigh* This scene is absolutely terrible with documentation.
I need an agent. I'm stuck up in the northlands of Manitoba where my work/subjects are. I don't have access to a good print shop and know nothing about the market. Oh I've got the pictures, tons of them, award winners and one in the provincial archives, but that's where it ends. I just don't have the access or resources to make a real go of it. Artists are rarely the type of people needed to sell their work anyways, we only talk like this...