- You must have made your deposit minimum 7 days prior to be paid dividends.
- minimum period of time for depositing at Banyan Investment is 8 weeks.
- Minimum amount for investing is 10 BTC.
- Deposits only accepted in between the projects.
- Withdrawals are to be made only after minimum 8 weeks, after this at any time.
- All rates and interest rates may be a subject to change at a later point.
- I may at any time announce changes in contract or interest rates, these changes however will not be valid until 7 days of my announcement.
- Our current interest rates are 4,5% up to 100 BTC. 5,5% up to 500 BTC, and 7% for deposits over 500 BTC.
- All investors who are depositing 500+ BTC will have my ID verified if needed..!
- Special disclosure agreement will be made about your knowledge of my ID if you want it revealed.
- A 3 week period is put for both issuer and client to evaluate if you/we want to continue this project. in case of any of parties want to leave for some reason, then issuer will have to pay back all bitcoins to client. This 3 week period will only be active in the beginning stages of this program.
- If using 3 week period rule, then you will only get your initial deposit back, already paid dividends will be discounted from this amount.
- For making pass throughs for this project you will have to ask Banyan management first.
- If any client breaks any of the rules in our agreement I may terminate his/her account.
- This info will be updated more during next couple of days.
if you can change the contract unilaterally then it alows you to change the contract to '..and i get to keep all the btc' without breaking your rules.
You have built in something that would be considered illegal under most laws. Such a contract would be invalid.
The client can only break rules by disclosing my ID or other info about the projevt to third party which I or my partners consider damaging for the project.
You are right about the rule.. It was meant mainly for change in interest rates and reserved for other possible problems.
I was thinking if BTC fluctuates too much then I might have to do some changes in contract or other scenarios where I might have to change parts of the contract.. I will change it, do you have any suggestions.
Specifiy the cases where you want to give yourself the power to unilaterally change the contract.
One such case would be if bitcoin suddenly rallied to say 20$ or so, and I have a big part of the funds invested, then I might have to change interest rates for a shorter period for not going bankrupt.
Also for events which I have not thought of yet, where people could misuse parts of the contract to damage the project.
If you do not specifie all cases in your contract then it is pointless.
BTC will very propably rally to way above $20 within the next 6 months. You should already plan for those things and allowing yourself to just change the contract is the worst possible way of doing it.
So, what happens when you default?
How will things be handled?