Or that there is not enough game in the woods to feed humanity for one week?
Or that people started settling in cities where there are no orchards thousands of years ago?
Or that there would be no computers or internet if everyone lived only off their land?
And the part that produces all these nice technology for you is driven by cities with workers.
And the socio economic environment in cities is completely different from 'living off the land' and people can realy be dependant on someone providing work or even welfare.
Show me your sources for these claims that there is not enough land for every community to have land to farm and raise livestock (with a communal orchard).
You are speaking about personal choice and personal responsibility. Go take a look at available land. Its plentiful.
It would barely be enough to give everyone a place to grow their own food, so no space for any other development.
According to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arable_land) there is about 48,836,976 km² of land where you can grow food on.
That means that there is 48836976 km² / 7000000000 people which comes down to 0.007 km² per person.
That is a patch of about 83 by 83 meters per person.
That's barely enough to support that and it's getting less.
So if you know a way for everyone to live off of 83 by 83 meters then please enlight us.
And i bet your own yard is bigger than this.
Also, if everyone would have to live off the land then there would be noone to create the technology you use right now.
Or did you think that newton or einstein farmed their own food?
Or that the guys at intel go out sowing their crops in the afternoon?
So it seems you are a bit misguided as to the real situation in the world and just blabber away from your priviledged position...
TL;DR - Nice strawman. To bad its not accurate when viewed within the context of REALITY.
There is exponentially more suitable land available for sale than buyers for land, otherwise there would be waiting lists for land. At any time I can go buy any amount of land I wish. Right now I can buy a rural AZ building lot for $2650, a $800k city townhouse, or a ranch for $18 million ... so long as I have WORKED and EARNED what is required to obtain it.
Quite obviously, many choose the stack-em and pack-em housing of our population centers. Great. For them. Let them stand on their own.
...but you dont want to work to earn anything, do you?
You want to deflect blame from yourself onto those of us who planned, prepared, and didnt waste our money of lifes frivolities, dont you?
Why else would there be the vitreole of accusing me of being from a "privilaged position"?
Privilaged position .... unreal.
Let me ask you a question ... do you have cell phones, vehicles, hdtvs, cable, internet, hobbies, a woman/man, eat out alot, games, consoles, computers, devices, or anything else you dont need to survive?
I had few of those before I WORKED and EARNED my property.
I didnt eat out. I made meals at home and made my work lunches.
I drank mostly water instead of costy premade beverages, except for special occasions and meals.
I worked multiple jobs and slept in between them.
I rolled my own cigarettes instead of buying them.
I reloaded my firearms casings and shells instead of buying new.
I preserved food.
I grew a small box garden in the back yard of the house I rented a room out of, then on the roof of the apartment building I rented before buying the property. Saved money and was fun.
I didnt waste money by laying in bars or clubs.
I didnt abuse drugs or alchohol.
I didnt "cruise around" wasting valuable production/sleep/eating time and gasoline costs.
I didnt go on vacation, except deer hunting, which decreases my external food dependencies and food costs, as well as being fun.
If you want land, go get it. EARN it and its yours.... earn your privilege.