Time to buy or sell:
"This market is in danger of de-listing due to low trade volume and lack of user interest. It may be removed on Friday, October 21st 2016 unless the average daily trade volume for the last 14 days exceeds 0.3 BTC. If you would like to keep the market listed, please encourage the development team to contact us at [email protected]. If you have questions about the policy, please see https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202583874."
I have contacted support to advise them on the progress which we are undertaking to transform BTA and could not disclose anymore information on the Barter System than I have already stated on this forum.
Our goal is getting closer than ever before, it would be a shame to see us removed from an exchange because of lack of interest or lack of trade.
Our posts on BCT get buried quickly due to the hype around other coins, so this message may not even be seen by everyone.
Just in case you missed it - see above.
The community has spoken through actions - well done.