- I like the feedback of intelligent bombing! Although I fear that it would be make the game less fun. (Becaues there are visually less spots that the bombs can hit). I am going to write up a version that does intelligent version to see how it looks
- Here is an alternative scheme that I would like to propose:
- The shuffle is done with Fisher-Yates
- The critical point is the random number generator in the algorithmn
- We can therefore prove the server is "dumb bombing" by using a deterministic random number generator with Fisher-Yates and publish the seed after the end of each day or something
- Thoughts on this?
The tricky part isn't a deterministic shuffle, the tricky part is getting a fair seed. You need a way to prove you don't pick a seed that over the day leads to smarter bombing. Here is a good proposal on how to do it:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.8528454and see my critical amendment in a following post. It's rather complex though, and going to be a pain in the ass to verify. I really like how yours works as it's so simple -- but the server should be doing "smart bombing" what ever that means.
It'll also add an extra spice to the game, as you feel like you're playing against a smart server who is allowed to play as intelligently as it can.
2. Latency
- Yes, we were experiementing with a few things. (That slowed the connection down). We have now improved it so you should no longer see latency like that.
Yeah, it's a never ending pain in the ass. And there's very little you can do about it when you have even a low intensity DoS against your latency sensitive service. That's why (imo) it's absolutely essential that the autocashout happens on the server, and atomically placing a bet would be nice.
Anyway, fun game. I'll definitely be back. I love seeing games that show more imagination than yet another dice site. Well done!
This is very good advice about the ship size. We don't want to do smart bombing because it just looks plain strange for the average user.
Maybe the only way to go about this is indeed to have 1 tile sized ships.
Unless we can find a better way to do fair server seed. Since this is multi-player, it is hard to imagine having the traditional client-seed.
An idea that I have been toying with is whether we can use game start time as the "client-seed". And in order to resolve latency issues. We can have the precision down to a minute. Not perfect but that way it is pretty difficult for the server to game the system because the game start time purely depends on how long games are.
Alternatively, we can use the results of the last game as a client seed (for example, which the names of players, details of bets etc). That way, the client seed is completely random.
(It would be awesome if we could ask Dooglus for some feedbacks on how to improve the provable fairness)