Some feedback:
* Placing multiple ships is great, it's fun how you don't completely die at once. From the house perspectives, this game is a lot more appealing then money pot as multiple players iron out the per-game variance.
* I like the provably fair scheme, it's cool how the server is allowed to target a player (if it wanted) yet still be fair. However, I would like to see the maths published of how you calculate the multiplier as well as a layman's explanation (e.g. house edge)
HOWEVER, it's not actually provably fair. This is because the odds reflect the fact that the server dumbly bombs you. But we have no idea if this is true or not. So the way to make this fair, is make the server intelligently bomb (e.g. not target pointless tiles), and have the odds reflect that.
* Sometimes the network lag at time makes the game unplayable. I often see 10 bombs at a time. And haven't finished placing my ships before it starts. What I would like to do is have an atomic place bet option, where I can layout my ships, bet per ship and autocashout at once. And then atomically bet. The place bet screen could remember your ship configuration to reuse for next game.
* It's easy to have a balance less than the min bet, but greater than the faucet req.
* I'd would like a game history, if not for all games but the games I played. Allow me to do a review/audit
* You should use bits instead of mBTC
First of all, I would like to thank espringe. Espringe gave me a lot of feedbacks privately as well and truly is a good guy. And an inspiration for creating moneypot
I would like to address the comments:
1. Provably Fair Scheme
- I like the feedback of intelligent bombing! Although I fear that it would be make the game less fun. (Becaues there are visually less spots that the bombs can hit). I am going to write up a version that does intelligent version to see how it looks
- Here is an alternative scheme that I would like to propose:
- The shuffle is done with Fisher-Yates
- The critical point is the random number generator in the algorithmn
- We can therefore prove the server is "dumb bombing" by using a deterministic random number generator with Fisher-Yates and publish the seed after the end of each day or something
- Thoughts on this?
2. Latency
- Yes, we were experiementing with a few things. (That slowed the connection down). We have now improved it so you should no longer see latency like that.
3. Faucet erq
- Fixed
4. Game history
- Yes. 1000 times yes! We are working on that. (It is easy, but we just gotta put up those pages)