This is the kind of Coin that makes sense and we need to see more of these again.
BBQ Coin actually was Accepted by BBQ Places when Bitcoin was New, and no one knew how to make Coins, there were People here at Bitcointalk doing all of this, and there were BBQ Places that wanted to be Part of it. And why not? If Today there were a Company that made BBQCoin Popular, they would make Money.
There have been Many Dispensary Coins, Coins meant to be used to Buy Marijuana, these usually Fail because Dispensaries have to Follow all kinds of Laws, and Blockchain usually has to be able to have like "We didn't know it was being used for that" for some Things, because if you are Trading Marijuana then Other People are Selling Ears and Eyeballs and Things like the Silk Road was Starting to do, then the Dispensaries all look Bad, and it is just too easy for Cryptocurrency to have that stuff. Like, the Dispensary Customers, does the Dispensary know what EVERY Customer does with their Money? Do THEY want to Finance that? But, BBQ Coin is much more Innocent, it can be more easily Protected, it isn't already in a Gray Area. And, usually the Coins don't Start with Any Dispensaries, but instead just Announce that they are Dispensary Coins as if they are a Solution to Dispensary Payments, with no Other Solution than the Cloned Blockchain, they in no way have any way to Help the Dispensary, or do anything for anyone.
There was PIZZA Token, which never was Traded for PIZZA, it was just a Meme, like DOGE Coin. And it is Still there, but it seems the PIZZA Bot is Defunct and Things. I intend to Clone the PIZZA Bot from GitHub and use it.
But BBQCoin Worked. It was maybe too Early, and was Simple like the Dispensary Coins, but still Worked. There could be a much more Developed Project now and a BBQCoin, or the Original, could Work.
There could also be Other Industries. Maybe Marijuana and CBD, Hemp, these all seem like what you would want to Talk about First, but why not "Herbal Medicine" or "Eastern Medicine"? You could Create Currencies for Different Kinds of Industries, and the Other Things like Marijuana and Hemp could be Byproducts if they are Sold Legally, and Unknown and Accidental Byproducts if Illegal.
But there could be like French Fry Coin, or like Fry Coin with Different Fried Things, there could be a Fried Pickles Currency, just called Fried Pickles. There could be Mozzarella Sticks, or Cows, there could be Shaligram, and Gemstones, it could be in Spanish like Esmeralda, there should already be one in South America but there isn't. Microchips, Hours, Minutes. Eggs, Chickens, etc. There can be an NFT Market, where these are either a Representation in a Video Game, or part of an Actual Something.
The way you would want to Start this Yourself, is if you are in the Sandwich Business like Subway or Jimmy Johns or Jersey Mike's. You could make Sandwich Coin, and Pizza Coin could be the same and it could overtake PIZZA Token in Popularity. Sandwich Coin could be Mined like Bitcoin or Litecoin, as SHA or Scrypt. You could Host this at a Sandwich Shop with a few Laptops or something. You could make it an ETH Clone if you wanted also, which might actually be easier. And whoever gets Your Coins can come in and get up to 50% off their Purchase using Coins, at the Market Value or whatever Your Terms and Conditions are about how long the Price has to Stand before you will Accept it. And now you have a Coin Better than PIZZA Token, more like BBQCoin, but even Better than BBQCoin.
And this could be done with BBQCoin or there could be like TXBBQ and we all just say "Coin" and it's not BBQCoin but TXBBQ when we all Write it.
So BBQCoin was something that actually Worked, but we need to have more of that. And there is a lot of Food Pictures on STEEM, BLURT and HIVE and Things, there is a Market for this.