Source code is in BBQcoin's subdirectory of my sourceforge download site on which version of the plug and play router-control library you have installed (or whether you have even installed it at all) different altcoins can give problems compiling in the plug and play, as at some point the number of arguments one or more functions in the plug and play lbirary changed its expected number of args, so different altcoins, depending on the age of the bitcoin version they forked from, need different versions of the plug and play lib.
I do not bother to try to have two versions of the lib, if I find a given coin will not compile due to wrong version of that lib I simply compile without that lib. (Instead of setting USE_UPNP to zero or one you set it empty to not include that lib in the build.)
Compiling without the lib is fine for me because neither version of the lib has ever worked with my articular router, but obviously the more people who don't use the lib the more people will have to screw around with their router manually to get an incomping port thus, likely, the less incoming port equipped servers altcoins in general are likely to end up with.