I would like to ask you to help me test new stratum miner that i was working on last days.
I've just commited last changes of cpuminer to this repo:
Here is pool repo:
I've started test server here:
This server is started only in test purposes. Once we find the block i'll turn it off and ask pool operators to update their pools.
To start mining, pull soureces from miner repo, rebuild miner, and run it with this command:
./minerd -a wildkeccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1L1ZPC9XodC6g5BX8j8m3vcdkXPiZrVF7RcERWE879coQDWiztUbkkVZ86o43P27Udb3qxL4B41gbaGpvj3nS7DgFZauAZE -p x -P -D -t 4
params -P and -D could be removed. You could also change address, but this is not important since i'm afraid you won't get paid from this test pool.
Important: this miner is not compatible with other coins pools/miners, and it should work at this moment ONLY in stratum mode.
Known bugs:
* {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-1,"message":"Low difficulty share"}} - in miner. "Bad hash from miner..." - on pool server (hashes missmatched). I talked with some of pool operstors and it seems that this is old bug from lucasjone's code.
So, to prove that this miner and pool is working we have to find at least one block.
PS: For me, cpuminer have nightmare code! May be it's because i'm in love with C++ and writing code in C is almost painful for me. But, i've tryied hard to keep this cpuminer-like code style in my commits there.