Wasnt Bytecoin stealthmined for quite some time? Its will be almost centralized
Wasn't Bitcoin stealthmined in 2009 and 2010?
Since you asked, the answer is 100% no.
It was published to the cryptography mailing list in January 2009, and immediately released as open source. That was the most logical place to release it and frankly the place (if any) where it was going to get the most interest and participation, although even there most people ignored it and didn't think it would work. It was also published on Sourceforge, which was more or less then equivalent of github back then, and considered very much the mainstream place to host an open source project, not some obscure back corner of the Internet.
Where else was it supposed to published? This forum obviously didn't exist. Seriously, if you were SN, where would you have released it?
The "bitcoin was stealth mined" meme is a complete myth. Just because nobody cared about it at the time does not mean is was hidden or attempted to be hidden. It wasn't.
You can go and read the email messages yourself and you can also browse the old activity on sourceforge.
http://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography%40metzdowd.com/msg10142.htmlhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/ ["Registered 2008-11-09"]