Scammers try to impersonate the accounts of well-known bounty managers and project admins on Telegram to deceive the victims. I block many scammers daily. Telegram is frankly now crowded with scammers. Therefore, there is a sentence that was able to thwart their fraudulent actions through impersonating accounts, which is (Admin Never DM you first), meaning that anyone who sends you a direct message first knows that he is a 100% scammer, so it is wrong to trust any account on Telegram without making sure that the person who is messaging you is the real person or not. You, @OP, have already mentioned several good points for verification. Also, any bounty manager does not ask for money from the people who work in his campaigns, as this is his job, and he receives his salary from the project owners, and of course, he does not need any financial assistance or the like.
It is a big question to me, why people still fall for such scam.
Telegram scam is a huge dumb scam and I can't believe how dumb some people are, really!
Mabye 95% of PM on Telegram are scam and it's always similar scam tactics.
It's always where we have to send funds. WE have to send.
How is such dumb scam tactics still profitable for Telegram scammers?