The most annoying part is for the person to detect by himself even as it is being circulated freely on social media, that is so pathetic. But still, you've never shown a single proof in this regard, I mean a proof that will also make Shuffle accountable for this. Although proofs like this will be difficult to share since it is going to amount to further leaking of your information online, at least, you can still link Shuffle one way or another if you are really sure.
Wait a minute, what if it is not Shuffle who leaked your data? You know you can be sued if got hold of, right?
Realistically speaking, Among all thousand players of Shuffle actively playing only this user claimed that his personal info was leaked through chat box. If this is a real leaked from Shuffle side then it should be a mass leaked and not a single user only besides there’s nothing to gain by leaking his identity on the chat box. No one in their right mind support will send sensitive data of customer to public chat.
It’s either this users is careless on protecting his personal through unknowingly send the details to phishing website or he wants Shuffle to take the blame for his carelessness.
For instance, there was a time when I opened an account with Quidax and something terrible happened. Thankfully, I never opened other companies' accounts and I do not use my official email to open accounts anyhow. You can't believe that within the next 2 weeks, I was receiving strange emails that are not common to my official email because hardly give it out, and the same happened to my phone number, I received enough strange phone calls and text messages as well, to the extent that they sent a code to me claiming it's from one of my banks and said I should call it out for them.
This is the extent they've gone, and giving them the code would have cost me a lot. I don't need a seer to tell me that my data was leaked by Quidax, only that the management may not be aware of it but the staff. People's data are being sold daily, that's a fact. But this is not particularly true for all cases, some enemies of some companies (rival/unsatisfied customers) may be using it to target them as well so that they can paint them badly. So, I am always neutral in a thing like this.