Now the bitcoin was attacked" by Warren Buffett, and the price has again spread down...
It is a lot of epithets. Not mine, Buffett.)))
Giving yesterday, 07.05.18, CNBC interview, it has told that buyers of bitkon whom he has characterized as "rat poison in a square" look forward who will pay more for their "anything-worthless-artificial-gold"...
The mysticism around bitcoin generates the unhealthy interest and not reasonable rise of the price, and there is the next soap bubble, such as, tulip fever in Holland in the 17th century.
"When you don't understand an essence, the mysticism bewitches and excites. People like to speculate and gamble."
And Charlie Munger his old partner and the vice-head of board of his Berkshire company has compared a race behind bitcoin to biting definition of Oscar Wilde of "hunting for foxes", or "Silent hunters pursue that are inedible"....
What your thinks?
Bed news? Rat poison in a square? Soap bubble? My thinks are, "OMG The Bitcoin is pants!"
Bwahahahaha. Your response to this post has cracked me up. soap bubble? Rat poison in a square? hahaha, I am laughing as I retype it.