I'm 'offended' ( no not really ) because it's retards like you that will go on about how horrible the DailyStormer ( and I actually agree it is a pretty bad website ) while in the same conversation you'll inevitably praise news outlets like the BBC and the Guardian completely ignoring any of the biases they have when reporting on certain issues. If you're just going to carry it on then I won't bother because I've already said, real researchers look at the data and evidence provided by either side, they don't get suckered into their political rhetoric or the opinions of the news journalists that are constantly inserted into every article they write nowadays.
Its you with the agenda,its evident when you stoop to name calling and creating story lines that serve your idea of who I am and how I go about research. You tell me not to take storm on face value and yet this is what you offer me in every response,its telling!
Have been clear that I do not support racist ideologies and I will not visit a site just to show you how open I can be.
Its absurd to expect and I gave you the pedophile example to drive the point home.
Before you stoops to name calling make sure you have your facts straight about the person you are referring to,in this case you make a lot of assumptions about me based on my lack of interest in this particular website.
No agenda and not looking to troll you but I agree this discussion is going no where.