I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to realise why people are getting extremely angry at a hostile culture coming in and trying to enforce their way of life on people through emotional blackmail and manipulation of the local government. Of course people are going to fight against it, my biggest problem with the people who support Islamists so blindly is how they shut down any conversation about this and immediately try to paint people as Islamophobic blah blah blah.
Nevermind the fact that these are people who worship a fucking book that tells them to kill apostates and think it's okay to jail or kill people who insult their prophet, if you believe in that shit, of course I'm going to tell you to fuck off. I think though one of the real insults to me personally as somebody who doesn't give a fuck about religion was watching this documentary about France, where you had this Islamist basically demanding money to build a Mosque and they somehow thought that purely because they were a large demographic, that's bullshit.
Secularist governments are under attack and it's all because of Islam, you never have this scale of a problem from Hindus, Sikh's or Christians, it's always Islam that gets up to this dodgy shit and yes, I'm saying that. All the other religions know if they step out of line people will get pissed off with them if they try to enforce their religion yet you fuckers are running around screaming about how we should be nice to them, fuck that.
If they want me to to be nice to them, they have to be nice to me and so far whenever you point out the bullshit in their religion and whenever you say a word against them, they act like total cunts, I've even been experiencing that on this forum, I point out something completely true and Magnific immediately comes along with his bollocks literally going "Wahhh Persecution" fuck off.
It's not weird to be angry with these morons at all, what's more frustrating is the so called moderate Islamists love making excuses for it.
It's generation '68 that facilitates this phenomena. Naive ex-hippies that grew older, made careers out it and now refuse to acknowledge the situation because that means they have to admit they failed. And they do realise it, they just deny it and try to pin it on the other guy by claiming they're not open-minded enough, racist even. Fancy words go a long way and a lot of people here in the West simply swallow it because of the way they were raised. Enter the muslims, it's just easy pickings for a culture that exist on dominance.
Generation '68 will die and that's when the tide will start to turn. To many naitves have been robbed, raped, spat on or beat up by these primitives and the day to restore the balance is drawing nearer and nearer.