Lots of sound advice in the aforementioned replies, an equal or more amount of silly, inexperienced advice though too..here's my personal opinion on the best (economically as well as logically) way to procure the amount of
BTCTC you're talking about. First localbitcoins.com is a great source for buying coin up until you're spending more than $9500 or so..spending more than this it becomes much more economically viable to deal with an exchange or reputable company that caters towards OTC purchases - generally reserving their services for these very situations - those interested in spending $50k-100k and up. Using localbitcoins, particularly in person, regardless of where you meet for anything above $6-9k is just not smart. That's too much money to meet someone you haven't transacted with prior, regardless of their feedback percentage and/or how public the place you're meeting is..using this method for a couple grand worth of coin is absolutely fine though, I've done it many many times buying and selling.
One advantage of using an OTC service if you're going to be spending a decent amount of money you definitely do not want to be dealing with incrementally different rates while trying to procure as much coin as you can (attempting to make such a large purchase via localbitcoins.com you would almost certainly be dealing with this, very unlikely that one vendor/merchant is going to be able to satisfy a buy order that large and they're all going to have different rates), a traditional bid/ask order-book formatted exchange (maker/taker market) would also work but you're almost certainly going to be dealing with some slippage while filling you're order.
TL;DR - Look into OTC options for the amount you're interesting in purchasing...
https://itBit.com, the U.S. based exchange has a very good OTC offering for those clients who are trying to spend $100k+.. another option is
https://genesistrading.com formerly secondmarket..they cater toward providing accredited investors a hassle-free way of obtaining large blocks of digital currency without the potential aforementioned uncertainty/inconsistency etc..that should, hopefully, help provide some guidance in right direction from someone who's done what you're interested in - the wrong way and, eventually, better way.