1. Do not spend money you need (Pay bills,tax, ect)
2.- Investigate what you want to invest your money and spend (sometimes you will find scam, or better choices)
3.- If you can save some money just do it, more in this cryptoworld when sometimes coins can get better value over time
4.- always keep in mind what your priority before spending
Maybe these rules are not perfect but.. this could be few good tips in order to be a better manager
so make some sort of rules or a plan to get you to follow and run
It would take time before you could practice all of those, but for sure it will have a great effect in you specially saving... The more you save, the more you could practice your other rules... In shopping, I think if you are working online, avoid checking everyday on online shops and deals which are sometimes tempting coz it's just a click away... In real life, just visit the supermarket atleast once a week and as much as possible roam only on groceries...