Please, you can't be serious. He's denied so many interview requests, including one from Chris Wallace, and hasn't done a press conference in ages.
I am serious and I didn't claim what your implying I did.
He's avoiding tough interviews or any situation where he might fuck up and give Trump ammo and would be a fool not to. Notice how it's the republicans trying to get him to talk? That's because they want him to lose.
That doesn't mean he's been hiding in his basement though. Hiding in your basement and not talking to reporters are not the same. Especially when the most recent example of turning down questions was at a press conference watched by millions of people.
hasn't done a press conference in ages.
The press conference was 3 days ago.
No it was 56 percent. Not sure why I put 53. Regardless of it being the main reason or not, "not Trump" shouldn't be a reason to vote for someone.
I posted a screenshot of the poll you linked above.
Try thinking about it without Trump being involved, or even political parties.
If you felt very strongly that a victory for candidate A would be horrible, and didn't agree with candidate B but felt they would be a much better president than candidate A, would you have a reason to vote?