We usually expect high price at the listing day, so sometimes we want to exclude that as it is not considered as normal trading day for me. But anyhow, we still need to achieve the 7 cents first and I believe it is not hard to achieve as we are already 3 cents. And considering that betfury is still attracting players, then that hope is not too difficult to achieve. Being a holder of BFG, of course, I always wish the best for the casino. Just staking their token so I can get those top coins.
We have reached the 20+ cent levels when it first started, even sold some at 30+ cents as well and that is what people were looking at the first thing when it started. However nowadays we are at 3 cents and that is not really horrible neither because it was lower, that means it didn't kept going down more and more.
It means that it did dropped a lot but then it recovered a tiny bit, of course we need to do another 2x right now in order to get to a level that makes sense. Sure it dropped a lot more but we also made some profit from the returns so making something like 10 cents would be great profit even though price dropped since we made some profit from the staking profits.