I've played dice with 2 cents autobet. Managed to lose around 3 bucks that I've got from staking, but got 57 BFG in return. If the token would cost $1, it will be an easy 54 bucks for me. I dont this will ever happen and betfury wont allow such easy earnings. Quite unrealistic indeed. I would be happy to sell my 1000+ BFG into 1000 bucks, but I'm a realist.
Another great job by BetFury team. Finally Sports Betting is on the BetFury. This will attract a whole new breed of gamblers. This is just beginning, more to come.
There are many things in play we need to take into consideration:
- mining cost.
at this moment this is around 0.05$ I think. In the past this was (way) cheaper. So there are milions of BFG out there that were mined for much less.
- div payments
this is fairly stable at the moment at 0.08$ / 1000 BFG.
however, we just received sports betting which could mean an increase. Furthermore, for BFG to be tradable, there would need to be Liquidity on the exchanges. So this means less BFG staked, which means more div.
- APR of staking on Betfury.
taking the current mining cost and div payments, we are looking at around 58.4% APR.
However, this can easily increase by a lot if BFG is leaving the staking pool and entering liquidity pool.
Main question is (I think); what APR are people looking for when staking on Betfury?
100% would sound reasonable I think.
What's needed for that?
well, currently around 1.2bil BFG is staked. 20% outflow would mean 240mil BFG liquidity
This would already get you 100% when BFG is 0.035$ AND div pool payment stays the same.
The aforementioned $0.06525 would be 53.7% APR for current div pool payments (with 20% outflow)
Then there will be the liquidity pool which will give rewards to people. There will be pure specalation and trading of the coin, so who knows what the price will become. But.... because mining has a certain cost I think that will counterbalance price movements (BFG too cheap; people buy. BFG too expensive, people mine and sell)
for me, any price below 0.035 is a buy for sure.
the sell price I'm not sure about yet