install a new OS this time around use Linux distro
I did installed Linux Mint METE. But didn't found it comfortable at first. So I had revert back to Windows. Especially the UI, how it looked, appeared. The interface, font looked like breaking, not smooth, pixels.
How to prevent this1.
Don't use Windows, but we both know you're not going to change that.
Yes as you said. It is true for most of the new users. I was thinking about duel booting but unfortunately I don't have enough space to run both OS. Only 240GB SSD.
Where did you get this software? Official sources and official paid licenses, or some warez site or "friends"?
That's another reason to use Linux: no need to install hacked software.
Yes, most probably I got infected using a crack version Driver updater. Since I had to fresh install everything.
Microsoft has been selling unsecure software for decades. Why would you expect anything else now?
It's not that bad either. Most of the time it would detect malwares. Maybe not best at defending but at least it gave a notification some malicious software is in your system somewhere. So hurry up and remove it since I (defender) can't.
You know what they say: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." (the source of this quote seems to be unknown). If you did the same thing again, you'll get the same malware for the fourth time.
I have a bad habit of changing distros. Not just Windows or Linux, also Android. Since I am a custom ROM user. I frequently change my OS, to test out new features and bugs etc.
My guess: the malware is included in some of the software you install. Or you just download it again after a few days. Either way, stop doing that. If you have confirmed malware on your system, you can't be sure it hasn't collected more data. So change all your passwords and if you use a hot wallet, create a new seed phrase on a clean system and move your funds.
No worries, LoyceV. I had nothing of crypto on my system. No keys, no doc files, no nothing. Also all the funds have been moved already. Lesson learned.
You are in vain hoping for Windows Defender, or rather, you are in vain hoping for Windows. To keep Windows crystal clean, you need to disconnect it from the network. If you start wondering how many holes users regularly open due to using this system, you will be very disappointed. Start learning Linux systems, and divide your Internet surfing into entertainment, Photoshop hobbies, and finances.
As for the addresses to which they wanted to redirect you, I see a slightly different amount in this wallet. But yes, there are complaints that the clipper was redirected to this address.
I do game sometimes. But can't buy all the games as I don't have enough money. And you know better that Linux isn't gaming friendly. Although they have Steam but that doesn't support crack games. So I had no other choise.
Thats why everyone must be reminded about copying and paste. We dont know if we are infected with such virus and a little bit of changes from the address means it got compromised. You dont click the send button right away and must have triple check or more first the address if its correct. I think it got happened to my friend on ronin wallet add. He didnt received the tokens inspite checking it was correct, however he noticed that theres a different letter and figure on last four lines. So it is a virus indeed.
I first time I got infected, I had no idea of a clipboard virus. I thought my copy paste function was broken. So I tried everything to fix it. Like editing, cleaning registry editor, using different health software or updating system etc. But couldn't fix. As a last resort, I had to format the SSD and reinstall Windows.
(I made a lot of quotes to multiple users. Is it ok though to quote this much? Just a curious question