Monero broke number of records (price, trade volume), but it looks like many people believe that SDC and AEON will follow its trend. One can argue if the XMR growth can be called "organic", but my personal opinion is that this is a pure speculation. Both ShadowCash and Aeon have never reached such prices and volume (you can check their history) and I think that investing in them at this point could be called dangerous.
I'm not sure who is going to "win" the "war" between anonymous digital currencies, but you should think twice before deciding to invest in some of them.
P.S. Personally I don't really care about any of these coins (i.e. if they succeed or FAIL).
This is a VERY YOUNG space and we know not where it is going. We don't even know what Bitcoin is going to amount to. But thus far, with all the economic problems (e.g. helicopter money, negative interest rates, governments attacking cash, etc.) it is clear Bitcoin has a role. If nothing else, wealth protection. But apparently so much more.
Well, now it seems that Bitcoin is not only traceable but that mixing services are being attacked (see Roger Ver's comments on that.) I don't see Bitcoin doing a hard fork anytime soon for anonymity. They/we are worrying about the block size fork/update. Just as TOR can save lives with information, perhaps Monero can also save lives financially. Looks like people are telling the government, essentially "We have nothing to hide, but nothing to share either" and until transparency goes where it belongs (follow the corruption at the top), we need to do our best to, dare I say, save ourselves.
I see Monero as a HUGE hedge against Bitcoin as it really does appear that States are watching (and dare I say influencing) Bitcoin. The last thing they want is something they can't easily control, monitor, etc. (And I would only expect them to infiltrate and manipulate Bitcoin for obvious reasons, namely it is their job and if you read those FBI docs, it is business as usual). These anonymous currencies are perhaps, the next step up in the game.
Dash's tech is just not tested and the node method of mixing is legally an attack vector. And don't get me started on the instamine.
I'm not sure on the others you mention but Monero is older tech, as well tested as any mid level Crypto in the arena.
Sure, lots of speculation going on, but Roger Ver stating Monero is going to $50-$100 - perhaps that really got the other Bitcoin whales involved. (odd timing) just don't think the Monero rise is a pump. If it is, man, it is larger money than we have seen outside of BTC. (For the record, I don't think ETH was a pump at all.)
Yeah, I'm in Monero and have followed it for years but the tech is real and the community, for the most part, is humble and tech savy...