Hello Everyone!
UPDATE: I have begun to compile all the bad experiences that I have seen on a website in an attempt to expose the behavior of this cmopany. The URL is
https://www.whaleclub-scam.com - it is under construction at the moment.
UPDATE: I updated the topic to $46,000 as the value of the 107 DASH that Whaleclub scam website is now worth $430.94 totaling $46,010.
UPDATE: Now the value is $49,500 with the DASH Rally going on.
UPDATE: : Please help expose this fraud upvoting the post in reddit
https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7cf9xm/beware_this_popular_bitcoin_trading_website_just/This is my first time posting here. A friend of mine who got me into Bitcoin originally and is an active user here told me I should register and post this situation with everyone. Obviously we are at a point that scams and frauds have the potential to become a bigger and bigger problem as Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in general enter the mainstream spotlight. This is a fairly extreme example of this going on.
The website in question is called
Whaleclub. I had been using the site for a few months by tonight and had truthfully lost about $6,000 on the website in the past few months but hey, can't win them all! So tonight I saw a huge opportunity to short Bitcoin as the price was clearly going to drop below $7,000. I moved some money into my Whaleclub account and started trading. I was able to amass a profit of $38,000 before deciding to call it a night.
Shortly after requesting the withdrawal of my profits from the website, my balance suddenly shrank to minus some odd number of thousand dollars (screenshots coming up). I was notified that they would not pay me because I was doing "abusive trading". I was not using any kind of automated bots or systems what-so-ever. I have multiple people who I have emailed with about this since I got banned and the user here who I will have reply to vouche for this -- hopefully he has some posts/repuation on this site to validate my claims are not baseless.
Obviously this just made my night go from absolutely amazing to terrible. I would appreciate any assistance from this community in exposing this fraud. If they can get away with simply banning and erasing the trades of anyone that profits then they will obviously continue to do this to people, or worse - simply go offline and steal everyones money when they decide they no longer want to pay peoples profits.
I will put more information together once i wake up - been up 24 hours. But here are a few screenshots for proof:
Now they have erased any trace that I made the trades shown above with history. My trade list now shows i never made those trades even though I can show that I did. Obviously in an attempt to cover up the facts so I could not report them and had no recourse:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jy43v3k9fmt2x73/Screenshot%202017-11-12%2004.03.41.png?dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/s/oz3ct5nr25kl3c0/Screenshot%202017-11-12%2004.03.34.png?dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlthvreiwr1v7l7/Screenshot%202017-11-12%2004.03.27.png?dl=0A few users did try to speak out for me in the chat. You can actually see that the admin made it so that I could not see any of his posts but other users were talking to him:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhb7luxjy90g044/Screenshot%202017-11-12%2003.57.44.png?dl=0Here is a screenshot of me sending updates to my friend who was sleeping as I was trading to establish a timeline:
I ask for your help in exposing this site for the scam that it is. It is fairly clear at this point they have no intention of honoring the legitimate trades that were made at this point. I have about 500 screenshots showing them deleting my trades that made huge returns from my history as well as banning multiple users from the chat when they simply said "I was watching, he definitely was making those trades and talking the whole time". I am happy to have them sign up here to vouche for that as I luckily broadcast my email out to them right before getting banned.
I am obviously in disbelief and I know this whole article is a jumbled rant right now. It is almost 6 AM but wanted to get this out as quickly as possible! I will try to edit everything and add a bunch more information tomorrow. I truly appreciate anyone willing to aid in exposing what appears to be a huge huge scam!!
It does look like they post on this forum from time-to-time as well: