Какие новости с фронтов, народ еще не бунтует у них на форуме, кто-нибудь читает?
But a quick summary and bottom line will have to do:
We have gone through several board revisions, moving towards a final revision. I had expected a final rev delivered to KC today, but some last minute resistor adjustments has delayed that until (hopefully) tomorrow (although they may be on the way to KC already). I wish I could convey the level of effort that is required to bring a board and a chip to life, but words just can't do the job justice I'm afraid. There are hundreds if not thousands of little things that need to be attended to that make a board and a chip viable and useful. They are all small things for the most part, but they all add up to a significant investment in time to get right.
So the bottom line is we are very close... I don't know how close. I can put a time frame on it and risk being wrong or I can just say that we are working as fast as we possibly can to make this happen. We absolutely do not want to end up with boards or devices that arrive dead or half functioning or over heating or consuming more power than they should or parts falling off of them (these are all things that could easily happen if we ship bad hardware). I believe we will start shipping any day now ... as soon as we get a board that works to the level we believe is up to our standards of operation, we will have a large quantity of them roll off the line within 24 hours and we'll start the packing and shipping process after that.
I will post a further update tomorrow once I've had a chance to go over in more detail with the engineering team on where we stand as far as the final rev and hopefully I'll have the latest (and last) board in the shop to test.
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На вопрос сколько монархов может собирать BFL в день, Джош ответил: