Yes Bitcoin is a better investment than mining gear. However, those of us that want to diversify have found mining to be a good hedge for holding.
My BFL ASICs were ordered in October and January. They are happily hashing away making me more than a full-time job ever did. They will ROI by the end of next month. That is a mathematical certainty. Yes, I would have made more if I held on to Bitcoin. Hindsight 20/20 and all that, I would have sold my every worldly possession and went ass-deep into debt to buy BTC last year, and sell them all at $266, but let's be real here, and stop spreading FUD.
I did the same,used earnings from June 2011 for reinvestment of FPGA & ASIC's,no cash out of pocket since I started with $600 for GPU's.Just kept rolling it over

Your "ride" on BFL units will be over by years end bro,don't kid yourself........unless you have free electric & more than 400GH in hashing power right now

Good luck on getting your Monarch's by Feb,I've been burned & lied to too many times by BFL............never again

I/we should of had our first day order units by Jan or Feb this year,I lost out on the "early adopter advantage" that the Avalon guys were lucky enough to get in on..................
@ amer,DO NOT buy from BFL,they WILL be late again & miss thier power targets AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise you they have NOT learned ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!

Look to Bitmine in Nov,I am