I love all these yahoos that are defending BFL, notice how they've been around for less than 4 months.. some of them only 2. They have yet to be scammed by BFL, so just let them blow their hot air.
Make sure to report back to us on the success of your BFL orders and all those BTCs you made...
Of course this does not go for all the anti-BFL tools popping up in the last months. Still, funny to see most of them not being able to bring anything other than what they already brought.
Name: CrashX
Date Registered: July 30, 2013, 03:05:47 AM
Name: scambutterflylabs
Date Registered: June 01, 2013, 04:41:39 AM
Name: millsdmb
Date Registered: July 28, 2013, 04:47:49 AM
a bunch of shill shill shill shouters, a repetitive clown posting loads of random and dead links, some fools even cheering the dead links without actually checking them, idiot Bicknellski that couldn't see from an inch away at the Big Mining Picture that his luckily failed asic joke would not make the money back for the paper box it would come in. Boycott BFL! boycott BFL!, but keep showing your face in every BFL thread, "Warning: Trade with extreme caution!" Really, rockyracoon or thelostdutchman with only scams frauds thefts and lies on his menu that even played a prostitute online? The matriarchal Racoon can be really proud on you. lol, role on folks
I hate to burst your bubble with actual data, but
a) The polls are vastly in favor of BFL being a scam and using underhanded tactics. Several hundred against BFL in fact.
b) Also, shills would work
for BFL, not against them. You need a different noun for people who's opinions are negative towards BFL
c) the number of anti-BFL posts has increased dramatically here, especially the "my complaints were deleted from the BFL forums so I had to come here" type. I believe we can directly attribute that to you.
Perhaps we wouldn't have so many new accounts here if you would censor fewer threads on BFL forums. Perhaps you have only yourself to blame.